Vogue’s 73 Questions

Heya! I apologize for not posting the past two weeks. I was really tired after acting classes and volleyball. And I went camping in Tofino on the weekend. I will write about my camping experience in Tofino in another post. Anyway, I am doing Vogue’s 73 questions in today’s post, inspired by one of myContinue reading “Vogue’s 73 Questions”

Superpowers I’d Want, If they Existed

Have you ever thought about what kind of superpower you want? Well, I know I have not, but now that I think about it, if I could have three superpowers, I’d want shape-shifting, time travel, and mind-reading.  First, shape-shifting. I would be able to be anything, including a wrapper.  I’d also easily be able to blend into the environment around me. For example, if IContinue reading “Superpowers I’d Want, If they Existed”

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