25 Commonly Used Abbreviations

Abbreviations are things that most of us, especially teens, use a lot these days. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word/ group of words. They come in handy when there’s a letter or word limit and to avoid the repetition of long words.  For example NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but thatContinue reading “25 Commonly Used Abbreviations”

One Year Blogiversary and 200 Followers!

I am so excited for today’s post, which you can probably tell by the title! It’s my first Blogiversary!!!!!! A year ago, today, I started Adya’s Diary just to distract me from chaotic times and release my thoughts and anxiety. I was 10, stressed and overwhelmed.  I had absolutely no clue what blogging was andContinue reading “One Year Blogiversary and 200 Followers!”

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